8305PG 21aug 01h UT

From: paul (astro@pgog.net)
Date: Tue Aug 20 2002 - 22:35:45 EDT

  • Next message: Daniel Deak: "Disco balls ans fast flashers TLE, Aug. 20"

    25017 97 064A   8305 P 20020821015605280 56 35 2144728+030190 26
    25017 97 064A   8305 P 20020821015637470 56 35 2207703+096550 26
    poor sky, good trak re mike's 02227
    Paul Gabriel 8305
    26.24306N 098.21614W GPS (CT|UTC-6/-5)
    +35.97m USGS/NED, -25.22m EGM96 Geoid height
    +10.75m WGS-84 Ellipsoid height
    aka McAllen, Texas USA 78504-2940
    "wherever you go, there you are"
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