CONTOUR, possible third fragment imaged

From: Willie Koorts (
Date: Wed Aug 21 2002 - 04:25:09 EDT

  • Next message: Ted Molczan: "TJM obs of 2002 Aug 21 UTC & elements"

    Hi all
    Sorry for possibly being OT but I have just re-visited the Spacewatch
    CONTOUR search page ( for
    the first time after Jim Scotti kindly pointed it out last Friday and
    noticed that they have since imaged a possible third fragment of this
    Has anyone heard any more definite conclusions to what happened yet?
                           Willie Koorts
           Cape Town,  Observatory   33d 56' 03"S   18d 28' 36"E   GMT + 2h
           Wellington, South Africa  33d 38' 56"S   19d 00' 52"E   GMT + 2h
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