RE: looking for latest TLEs/help in ID'ing an UNID

From: Ted Molczan (
Date: Wed Aug 21 2002 - 11:32:39 EDT

  • Next message: Matson, Robert: "RE: looking for latest TLEs/help in ID'ing an UNID"

    Richard Crisp requested information on where to obtain orbital elements
    for the purpose of identifying the object that left a trail in one of
    his astronomical images.
    I recommend Mike McCants' alldat file, available here:
    I have run Richard's observations through my IDSat program against a
    recent alldat file, and found no matches. All of the objects that passed
    near the observation were in Earth's shadow, which makes sense given the
    time of night. Could the track in the image have been caused by an
    Ted Molczan
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