From: paul (astro@pgog.net)
Date: Fri Aug 23 2002 - 11:13:45 EDT

  • Next message: sattrack@hal-pc.org: "Epoch Date Age Analysis"

    83055 02 235UNK 8305 P 20020823044900000 39 35 1810500-089000 99
    thanks to Kevin my UNID is
                                     tdiff   Sep     Mv
          Name       Desig   NORAD     s     deg    pred
    -------------- -------- ----- -------- -----  ------
    Ariane Spelda  97002D   24716    41.26  0.23   8.0 v
    range was 7980 km in the binos in the fullmoonlight.
    41 sec time err is reasonable as I did not use stopwatch
    and only read watch to minute.  good sky, 2 hours earlier
    lim mag was ~ +8.9 low NW opposite from moon.  often
    surprising what you see, and frustrating what you do not.
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