Lacrosse 3 25017

From: Janet Tubb (
Date: Mon Aug 26 2002 - 00:30:55 EDT

  • Next message: paul: "Gorizont 23 26aug ut"

    25017 97 064A   1743 F 20020826025241965 27 15 1225267+564613 99
    25017 97 064A   1743 F 20020826025245695 27 15 1220162+574522 99
    25017 97 064A   1743 F 20020826025313905 27 15 1130237+641251 99
    25017 97 064A   1743 F 20020826025330985 27 15 1045532+672637 99
    25017 97 064A   1743 F 20020826025352765 27 15 0935151+695309 99
    25017 97 064A   1743 F 20020826025516805 27 15 0551040+624452 99
    11x56 binoculars mounted on SkyWindow.
    Janet Tubb
    Site 1743  
    43.7961N 79.3219W 190m elevation 
    Janet Tubb
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