Re: Optical Instruments

From: Russ Bessom (
Date: Mon Aug 26 2002 - 04:11:10 EDT

  • Next message: Tony Beresford: "Re: Optical Instruments"

    Hi Paul,
    I didn't say I could see structure with the Fuji's, I merely said that they
    were the best binos for the money.  I used to track satellites with my Astro
    Physics 105 traveler.  I used an alt azm mount and tracked manually.  I
    found the setup to work but was very uncomfortable to view with one eye,
    with my body in a contorted position pass after pass.  If I would have put
    that scope on a parallelogram, everything would have been different.  That's
    a great idea!  Although looking through a single eye piece for any length of
    time made me look like Captain Ahab.  The views that I got through my AP104
    were stunning, as is your 101, but I found the view through twin
    Apochromatic bino tubes to be unbelievable.  I wasn't knocking the
    telescope, for they definitely have there place.  I was knocking the ETX
    line.  I just think for manually tracking something that's moving, you are
    better off with a stabilized set of binos, be it on a parallelogram bino
    mount or some other tripod mount with an articulating arm of sorts.   This
    to me is a very comfortable and enjoyable way to view the heavens and
    satellites.  By the way, did you see any structure with your 37x to 54x
    tweaked 101?
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "paul" <>
    To: "Russ Bessom" <>
    Sent: Monday, August 26, 2002 3:32 AM
    Subject: Re: Optical Instruments
    > Russ,
    > I use the fuji 10x70 and have never seen structure.
    > as for scopes v binos, I think you have great pair,
    > but I think my view at 25x thru televue NP101 with
    > 2 inch ep, is mighty fine.  I trak sats with 101 on
    > somewhat modified parallelogram bino mount.
    > and I can tweak it up past 37x to 54x or xxx as long
    > as I can keep moving sat in fov.
    > At 23:11 8/25/2002 +0200, you wrote:
    > >Never again!  Bino's are the only way to go!
    > ********************************************
    > Paul Gabriel 8305
    > 26.24306N 098.21614W GPS (CT|UTC-6/-5)
    > +35.97m USGS/NED, -25.22m EGM96 Geoid height
    > +10.75m WGS-84 Ellipsoid height
    > aka McAllen, Texas USA 78504-2940
    > "wherever you go, there you are"
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