Re: Gorizont 23 -- easy with 10x50s

From: Robert G Fenske Jr (
Date: Tue Aug 27 2002 - 09:27:05 EDT

  • Next message: paul: "Re: Gorizont 23 -- easy with 10x50s"

    	Last night, with 10x50s, I saw 3 flashes from what I believe was
    Gorizont 23.  Starting around 27 Aug 04:16 UT I saw a +4 flash followed by
    another +4 flash 5 sec later, then a +5 flash 23 sec after that.  The times
    are approximate as I was counting to myself.  I watched for several minutes
    more but saw nothing further.  Afterwards I ran a search for other satellites
    but there was nothing else close to Gorizont 23's track.
    Robert Fenske, Jr.    Sw     |The Taming the C*sm*s series:
    Southwest Research Institute            /R---\  |
    Signal Exploitation & Geolocation Div  | I    | |"The Martian canals were the
    San Antonio,Texas USA  ph:210-522-3931  \----/  | Martians' last ditch effort."
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