Re: Need help finding Gorizont 23

From: paul (
Date: Wed Aug 28 2002 - 01:08:52 EDT

  • Next message: Bjorn Gimle: "Re: Need help finding Gorizont 23"

    I just initiated timing sequence,
    I'm seeing it in Oph 17:00-06:54
    28aug 0006:45 ut 
    approx coords.
    At 01:33 8/28/2002 +0000, you wrote:
    >Hey All,
    >Been reading about Gorizont 23. I'd like to go see this geo-sync satellite myself except one thing is stopping me. My limited understanding of TLE's is hampering my efforts. So can anyone tell me in what constellation [ or near any. ] I can look for this satellite??
    >Thanks for the help.
    >Bob Schuette
    >PORTLAND,PA  40.9230N x 75.0970W
    >Ham Radio Station N3SNZ
    >Time: UTC -4.00Hrs
    >****END OF MESSAGE****
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