Obs 27 aug

From: Jean-Paul Cornec (Jean-Paul.Cornec@wanadoo.fr)
Date: Wed Aug 28 2002 - 02:02:03 EDT

  • Next message: paul: "Gorizont 23 PPAS 28aug"

    IOD format (J2000)
    26905 01 040A   3022 G 2002082721053825  56 25 1416301+195322 28
    25017 97 064A   3022 G 2002082721203656  56 25 0511538+801277 28
    26473 00 047A   3022 G 2002082721503254  56 25 0427137+804951 58
    IOD format (B1950)
    26905 01 040A   3022 G 20020827210538250 56 24 1413964+200710 28
    25017 97 064A   3022 G 20020827212036560 56 24 0502713+800895 28
    26473 00 047A   3022 G 20020827215032540 56 24 0418332+804263 58
    01040A was definitely brighter than 01040C (the leader)
    96072A very weak except a bright flare
    94017B in Umi with bright flashes (~6 s period); path and time were conform
    to Thierry's elset. (Eros A1 Rk (#26632) was passing at the same time but
    closer to Pole star).
    Also 88078A flickering and Okean O rk very bright (m~0)
    Jean-Paul Cornec
    Cospar 3022
    48°44'20" N
     3°27'32" W
    52 m asl
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