Re: UNID flasher & Gorizont 23

From: Ed Cannon (
Date: Thu Aug 29 2002 - 04:46:03 EDT

  • Next message: paul: "Re: UNID flasher & Gorizont 23"

    Paul wrote:
    > UNID F'F' mag +5->inv flasher in same bino fov as 46A
    Highfly says that Eutelsat 2 (15158, 84-081A) was very close 
    to Gorizont 23 (91-046A, 21533) from Paul's location.  Jay 
    Respler reported to PPAS in 1996 that 84-081A was varying.  
    So maybe it's what Paul saw.  It's drifting westward and so 
    may not be visible from this part of the world again for 
    some months.  It should still be placed fairly well for, say, 
    longitude 120 west.
    Running more extreme (much lower in the sky) predictions for 
    here, I got three more flashing geosynchs currently over us
    (using the term "over" loosely):
    17046 86-082A Raduga 19 (p ~ 24?)
    19765 89-004A Gorizont 17 (p ~ 83)
    21668 91-060A BS/Yuri 3B (flash period undetermined?)
    Weather prevented an attempt to try to see 90907 again last
    night, so I'm hoping for tonight!  Mike McCants sent updated
    Unknown 990907
    1 90907U 99550A   02239.83776158 -.00000800  00000-0 -94636+0 0    04
    2 90907  63.0885 153.0385 6899372 283.4691  76.5313  2.01484338    07
    I did see some LEO satellites last night, and also lightning 
    to my west (some at the same time as a flashing Iridium), 
    before clouds moved in.
    Ed Cannon - - Austin, Texas, USA
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