Re: UNID flasher & Gorizont 23

From: paul (
Date: Thu Aug 29 2002 - 10:34:52 EDT

  • Next message: Tony Beresford: "Re: Flashing geosynchs over Americas"

    Thanks Ed,
    Eutelsat was a little closer to Gorizont 23 at 
    29aug 0559:20~ ut, but still outside my fov, from
    what I can tell.
    At 03:46 8/29/2002 -0500, you wrote:
    >Paul wrote:
    >> UNID F'F' mag +5->inv flasher in same bino fov as 46A
    >Highfly says that Eutelsat 2 (15158, 84-081A) was very close 
    >to Gorizont 23 (91-046A, 21533) from Paul's location.  Jay 
    >Respler reported to PPAS in 1996 that 84-081A was varying.  
    >So maybe it's what Paul saw.  
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