Decay watch: 2002 August 30

From: Alan Pickup (
Date: Fri Aug 30 2002 - 13:44:51 EDT

  • Next message: Greg Roberts: "Obs 27 Aug 2k2 #3"

    The following notices are taken from my updated Decay Watch page:
    Object: #22851 = 92- 21 F = Telecom 2B Ariane 44L+ deb F
    Final analyses:
    Source   Prediction made    Predicted decay at      Latitude Longitude
                    UTC                UTC                  deg      deg
    SpaceCom   Aug 29 10:23     Aug 29 16:29 +-5h         3.1 N    79.5 W
    SatEvo     Aug 29 21:50     Aug 29 16:32 +-3h         2.6 N    92.8 W
    Final elsets:
    Ariane V44 rDb  11.4  2.6  0.0  4.0 v   47       836 x 120 km
    1 22851U 92021F   02240.72656595  .33855958 -29501-4  12384-2 0  6170
    2 22851   3.7624  97.6083 0522272 341.6541  17.7230 15.29284847110933
    Ariane V44 rDb  11.4  2.6  0.0  4.0 v   47       617 x 86 km
    1 22851U 92021F   02241.24229567  .73368871 -32129-4  46285-3 0  6189
    2 22851   3.7598  98.9463 0393882 344.4780  11.6039 15.72589451111015
    Ariane V44 rDb  11.4  2.6  0.0  4.0 v   47       675 x 14 km
    1 22851U 92021F   02241.30511008  .54462879  00000-0  00000-0 0  6193
    2 22851   3.9985  96.0765 0491361   7.0542 346.2539 15.74974368111020
    Note: The final elsets indicate perigee heights that are much too
    low. My estimate for an elset for the final equator crossing is:
    Ariane V44 rDb  11.4  2.6  0.0  4.0 v   47       288 x 111 km
    1 22851U 92021F   02241.68173097 1.54971554  56253+1  16345-2 0 96148
    2 22851   3.7371  89.9553 0134526 357.1051   2.8178 16.27552934111084
    I estimate that this decayed over the eastern Pacific, possibly
    between the Galapagos Is and southern Mexico. Given the poor elsets,
    the prediction is uncertain. SpaceCom's final notices have not appeared
    Object: #27435 = 02- 25 B = Ofeq 5 Shavit rocket
    Decay predictions:
    Source   Prediction made    Predicted decay at      Latitude Longitude
                    UTC                UTC                  deg      deg
    SpaceCom   Aug 30 14:02     Aug 31 14:26 +-15h       14.7 S    63.8 E
    SatEvo     Aug 30 17:30     Aug 31 13:29 +-7h         5.2 S    75.8 W
    Latest elset:
    Ofeq5 Shavit r   3.0  1.2  0.0  6.0 d    4       252 x 183 km
    1 27435U 02025B   02242.53285071  .05367376 -18606-4  17995-2 0  1663
    2 27435 143.4511  91.6626 0052068 187.6467 230.5655 16.20730508 14566
    SatEvo prediction: See Decay Watch page.
    Ofeq5 Shavit r   3.0  1.2  0.0  6.0 d    4       173 x 144 km
    1 27435U 02025B   02243.44228507  .38418988  10671+1  11419-2 0 91660
    2 27435 143.4464  98.2136 0022199 196.7259 163.2006 16.42869482 14711
    Ofeq5 Shavit r   3.0  1.2  0.0  6.0 d    4       149 x 130 km
    1 27435U 02025B   02243.50294280 1.00445083  17510+2  97783-3 0 91663
    2 27435 143.4446  98.6613 0014181 197.3463 162.6052 16.49987463 14723
    Note: My current estimate is for this to decay while northbound over
    Peru near the end of the final predicted rev above.
    Alan Pickup / COSPAR 2707:  55.8968N   3.1989W   +208m   (WGS84 datum)
    Edinburgh  / SatEvo & elsets:
    Scotland  / Decay Watch:
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