Noss triplets visual orientation

From: Steve Newcomb (
Date: Sat Aug 31 2002 - 00:17:00 EDT

  • Next message: Vitek, Antonin: "Re: Integral"

    Tonight saw 2 passes of 21799, 21808, 21809 and saw them the night before.
    sat        alt    range   az   el
    21799  592  652    162 64
    21808  590   669   167 61 8/29/02 21.55.05 local
    21809  603   659   165 65
    21799  590   830   123 42
    21808  588   843   128 41 8/30/02 21.11.15 local
    21809  601   827   124 43
    21799  616   983   336 34
    21808  615   964   333 35 8/30/02 23.03.40 local
    21809  630   998   335 34
    Altitude and range in miles.
    The first visual configuraton the 3 were almost not visible in a 5 degree
    field of view. The 2nd was similar but more in the 5 degree field of my
    binocs. The 3rd sighting they were almost in a straight line easily in the 5
    degree fov.
    Always fun to watch these 3 and the other triplets.
    El set age says 74 days old. What does that mean if I may ask?
    Lat 39.4697 Lon -79.3393  Alt 2573 ft  -4 UTC
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