Re: Integral

From: Tony Beresford (
Date: Sat Aug 31 2002 - 04:00:53 EDT

  • Next message: Paul J Henney: "RE: Integral"

    At 23:42 31/08/02, Vitek, Antonin wrote:
    >Integral is acronym for INTErnational Gamma Ray Astrophysics Laboratory
    The Solar arrays on this ESA spacecraft are fixed with their normal
    being at right-angles to the pointing direction of the "telescope".
    During observing they can get of sun by 40 degrees without 
    affecting power requirements apparently. This might mean one could
    get sun glints sometimes. In addition during normal ops it utilizes
    a dither mode, making a hexagon or a square around target, with 2 degree
    offsets. Enough to shift a sun glint on/off the observer.
    Tony Beresford
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