Calculations 95-58 B DRA-obs

Leo Barhorst (
Sun, 01 Dec 1996 20:31:50 +0100

DRA observation of 95- 58 B on November 14 and 15, 1996

1.      Introduction

Pierre Neirinck send me a letter November 17, 1996 in which he describes hi=
s examination =

of the two DRA obs I've made of 95- 58 B on Novem=1Fber 14 and 15, 1996 and=
 his own of Nov =

14, 1995 and Nov 8, 1996. Due to busy work I was not able to put this to Se=
eSat-L any =


2.      Pierre's letter


Malo les Bains, 17/11/96

Dear Leo,

95-58 B: Your astonishing string of 72 flash intervals, wit=1Fhout fail, co=
erces me into =

linking them 2 by 2, in order to eliminate synodic, dissymmetric and Barhor=
stic effects.
The rocket took 6 flashes to accustom you to her flash rythm, them you were=
 at the peak =

of your form. Let you admire, for ex, flashnr 23/24 to 37/38: 3.795, 3.715,=
 3.81, 3.825, =

3.705, 3.725, 3.785, 3.84 sec.
Combining intervals 6 by 6, I find for fl 12/18 to 60/66: 22.69, 22.60, 22.=
915, 22.415, =

Having assesed your accuracy, I was authorized, statistically, to find the =
differences =

between the 2 sides of the rocket. Adding all uneven flash intervals on one=
 hand and all =

even ones on the other (fortunately I have two hands) and discar=1Fding the=
 6 first =

wavering flashes and a few extreme intervals, I get out of 24 sets quite si=
gnificant =


NOV 14  uneven: 3.833 sec
          even: 3.683 sec

The next night, without the 2 first flashes, I have from all the others:

NOV 15  uneven: 3.873 sec
          even: 3.718 sec

There is also evidence of synodic effect, northbound:

NOV 14  fl  0 to 36     3.750
           36 to 72     3.809   ->+0.059 i.e +0.0016/fl

NOV 15  fl  0 to 20     3.758
           20 to 40     3.808   ->+0.050 i.e. +0.0025/fl

On Nov 08 04:54, southbound, I took every 4th flash. This gave: 3.63, 3.548=
, 3.655, =

3.503, 3.66, 3.562, 3.55 sec. But this does not lead to the precious data s=
uch as =

derived from your feat.

Mean photometric periods from us were:
PN      1995 Nov 14.232 0.47 sec +/-0.03
                                         ] -> x 7.6
PN      1996 Nov 08.204 3.582  +/-0.008
                                         ] -> x 1.055
LB      1996 Nov 14.767 3.779  +/-0.007
LB      1996 Nov 15.758 3.783  +/-0.007

If you wish you may put all or part of these adventures on the waves.



3.      DRA obs

I've used a spreadsheet program to calculate the time differences between t=
he flashes =

and of the selected even and uneven flashes in the same manner as Pierre ha=
s done =

according to the draft calculations he was so kind to send me

Date    1996 Nov 14.767   Average  Selected flashes
Flash  Cum       Diff     2 by 2   uneven  even
0       0,00    0,00
1       2,68    2,68
2       7,17    4,49    3,585
3       10,83   3,66
4       14,90   4,07    3,865
5       18,24   3,34
6       21,94   3,70    3,520
7       25,61   3,67            3,67
8       29,31   3,70    3,685           3,70
9       33,12   3,81            3,81
10      36,91   3,79    3,800           3,79
11      40,55   3,64            3,64
12      44,40   3,85    3,745           3,85
13      48,11   3,71            3,71
14      52,15   4,04    3,875           4,04
15      56,33   4,18            4,18
16      59,94   3,61    3,895           3,61
17      63,36   3,42            3,42
18      67,21   3,85    3,635           3,85
19      70,56   3,35
20      74,83   4,27    3,810
21      78,77   3,94            3,94
22      82,21   3,44    3,690           3,44
23      86,00   3,79            3,79
24      89,80   3,80    3,795           3,80
25      93,62   3,82            3,82
26      97,23   3,61    3,715           3,61
27      101,03  3,80            3,80
28      104,85  3,82    3,810           3,82
29      108,66  3,81            3,81
30      112,50  3,84    3,825           3,84
31      116,25  3,75            3,75
32      119,91  3,66    3,705           3,66
33      123,70  3,79            3,79
34      127,43  3,73    3,760           3,73
35      131,34  3,91            3,91
36      135,00  3,66    3,785           3,66
37      138,94  3,94            3,94
38      142,68  3,74    3,840           3,74
39      146,17  3,49
40      150,54  4,37    3,930
41      154,43  3,89            3,89
42      158,04  3,61    3,750           3,61
43      162,02  3,98            3,98
44      165,39  3,37    3,675           3,77
45      169,71  4,32
46      173,57  3,86    4,090
47      176,91  3,34
48      180,83  3,92    3,630
49      184,68  3,85            3,85
50      187,98  3,30    3,575           3,30
51      192,00  4,02            4,02
52      195,30  3,30    3,660           3,30
53      199,14  3,84
54      203,37  4,23    4,035
55      207,32  3,95            3,95
56      210,65  3,33    3,640           3,33
57      215,02  4,37
58      218,25  3,23    3,800
59      222,42  4,17
60      225,66  3,24    3,705
61      229,50  3,84            3,84
62      233,25  3,75    3,795           3,75
63      237,14  3,89            3,89
64      241,25  4,11    4,000           4,11
65      245,00  3,75            3,75
66      248,53  3,53    3,640           3,53
67      252,50  3,97            3,97
68      255,85  3,35    3,660           3,55
69      259,47  3,62
70      263,79  4,32    3,970
71      267,84  4,05
72      272,11  4,27    4,160

        Time total      272,11

        MT even         3,771   fl 2 - 72
        MT uneven       3,788   fl 1 - 71

        MT uneven selected flashes      3,838
        MT even selected flashes        3,685

Date    1996 Nov 15.758   Selected flashes
Flash  Cum       Diff     uneven  even
0       0,00    0,00
1       2,78    2,78
2       6,97    4,19
3       10,97   4,00    4,00
4       14,55   3,58            3,58
5       18,40   3,85    3,85
6       22,26   3,86            3,86
7       25,78   3,52    3,52
8       29,53   3,75            3,75
9       33,37   3,84    3,84
10      37,22   3,85            3,85
11      41,37   4,15    4,15
12      44,99   3,62            3,62
13      49,05   4,06    4,06
14      53,01   3,96            3,96
15      56,59   3,58    3,58
16      60,12   3,53            3,53
17      64,17   4,05    4,05
18      67,84   3,67            3,67
19      71,69   3,85    3,85
20      75,16   3,47            3,47
21      79,05   3,89    3,89
22      82,90   3,85            3,85
23      86,94   4,04    4,04
24      90,73   3,79            3,79
25      94,22   3,49    3,49
26      97,74   3,52            3,52
27      102,08  4,34    4,34
28      105,84  3,76            3,76
29      109,55  3,71    3,71
30      113,15  3,60            3,6
31      117,33  4,18    4,18
32      120,97  3,64            3,64
33      124,65  3,68    3,68
34      128,69  4,04            4,04
35      132,51  3,82    3,82
36      136,09  3,58            3,58
37      139,75  3,66    3,66
38      143,61  3,86            3,86
39      147,47  3,86
40      151,33  3,86

Time total              151,33
Mean flash period               3,783

Mean  period selec. uneven fl   3,889
Mean  period selec. even fl     3,718

4. Some remarks

In the calculations of the flashperiod for the two sides of the rocket on N=
ov 15 also =

the last 2 flashes were not used by Pierre, according to his draft calculat=
With these two also included the times become:
NOV 14  uneven: 3.887 sec
          even: 3.725 sec

The spreadsheet calculated times of the selected flashes differ slightly fr=
om the hand =

calculated ones by Pierre.

For the synodic effect I think the first few flashes from both observations=
 should be =

omitted for reasons stated in Pierre's letter.
This gives:
NOV 14  fl  7 to 40     128.60 / 34 =3D 3.782 sec
        fl 41 to 72     121.57 / 32.=3D 3.799 sec

NOV 15  fl  3 to 22      75.93./ 20 =3D 3.797 sec
        fl 23 to 40      68.43 / 18 =3D 3.802 sec

Both give a very little difference over the first and second half of the ob=
servations =

and also for the two consecutive days.

For the same reason they should be omitted in the calculation of the mean p=
hotometric =


NOV 14  fl  7 to 72     250.17 / 66 =3D 3.790 sec
NOV 15  fl  3 to 40     144.36 / 38 =3D 3.799 sec

5. Conclusion

It is obvious that a large number of flash timings is very usefull. But one=
 has to be =

carefull as to what measurements could be accurate enough to be inclueded i=
n the =


I sincerly thanks Pierre for his effort and time to do the calculations. Ju=
st as I was =

preparing this  message I got a fax from Pierre. Due to the rainy weather h=
e only saw =

one satellite: 95- 58 B on Nov 23 with P=3D 4.145 =F10.02 sec.

Im my archive I found some more DRA-obs of 95- 58 B. So there will be a fol=
low-up on =

this message.


Leo Barhorst		Alkmaar			The Netherlands
52.6333 North		4.7833 East		3 m ASL
Member of Seesat-L
Every day I wonder about the things I see in the (night)sky