Re: TLE's from observations

Bjoern Gimle (
Wed, 4 Dec 1996 06:51:40 +0100 (MET)

>On 1 December Alphonse Pouplier wrote:
>>Hi all!
>>There are a lot of programs giving previsions and using TLEs.
>>But does a program exist which would give the TLEs using
>Since nobody has answered yet, it appears there are not many of such
>programs, perhaps none at all. 
....... Conversely, it could be
>argued that using TLE's, constructed in the way outlined above, with a NORAD
>model such as SGP4 could lead to erroneous results.
>Comments are welcome!

I have tried a program called first, or firstfit, and used elcor (or
pelcor) to refine elements. They should be available on Neil's
   ftp://  site, and Mike McCants'
Here is an (old) extract from Neil's index, with my comments :
[ ]            55156 Jun  5 19:18 <A 
">firstelc.exe</A> - elcor ; Paul Hirose
						       adjust TLE to observations?            46274 Jun  5 19:18 firstfit.exe            47496 May 28 12:50 <A 
">firstorb.exe</A> - appr.TLE from obs.            26309 Aug  8  1995           136192 Jan  3  1996           411633 Jan  3  1996 pc-orbit.exe            98426 Oct  3  1995 <A 
"></A>   - elcor ; Paul Hirose
						       adjust TLE to observations

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