Minutes ago saw the Mars Pathfinder Launch from out my back door in Charleston SC USA. First Visible thru trees (about 5-7 degrees above horizion) about 1 minute after launch. Intense red (like a flare) for less than 1 minute. Faint (almost invisible to naked eye for about 1 and 1/2 minutes. The white with visible tail for about another minute before abruptly disappearing. The last minute it was travelling horizontal (elevation about 25 degrees) from my perspective. Am only guessing, but it was about magnitude -1 to -2 during this last phase. I've seen 2 shuttle launches like this, and look forward to 2 more after the first of the year. Anyone else view the launch from a distance? -- Robert mailto:roberteb@awod.com Home page: http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/5855/index.html