Re: Unid flasher

Pouplier Alphonse (
Thu, 26 Dec 1996 12:23:14 +0200


>The age of miracles is not over, the skies have almost cleared since our
>12" in 3 hours last month. Who was that goose that said Santa was dead.
>I saw a flasher last night travelling ABOUT 20 Az to ABOUT 160 Az, and
>at Az 100 was ABOUT Alt 45 deg., mag .5->3.5, 17 periods timed for 4.37
>secs. A'fA'. UT 09:45 Dec 25, 1996.
>It may be a recent launch that I have missed. Can any-one identify this
>Vince Gardiner.
>Coffs Harbour N.S.W. Australia
>-30.35   +153.082

Your message was very clear.
According to my IDENTification program (see below),
it could be NORAD# 16864

Place: VINCE
Lo.(DDDMM East):15305 La.(+DDMM):-3021
Date (DDMMYY): 251296