After many, many, hours, I've made some changes to SSR 11/96. 1st, can someone suggest how to save some time in the future? I wanted to sort by Int. Designation rather than SpaceCommand Catalog #. Is there some simple quick way to sort date, #, and letter? A-Z have to come before AA-AZ. I have DOS, Windows, QSORT, WordPerfect and a spreadsheet. Anyway, I have merged in-orbit/decayed sats and sorted by launch order. I also have another SSR with distances in Miles rather than km. Either of them available on request. This from 11/96 SSR. Isn't the perigee kind of low? | | 1967-046A 2805 CIS 1170.5 51.7 60883 -58 N/A COSMOS 159 Launched (05/16/67) Decayed [11/11/77] --- This recently cataloged object has 2 different catalog #s. Which is right? 24647 66-077D OPS 0856 DEB US 167.2 89.5 4342 3009 23820 66-077D OPS 0856 DEB US 164.5 88.3 6251 880 .042 Jay Respler -- Details of how to get on the Satellite Observer Mail List, satellite elements, prediction programs and other satellite information, at the Visual Satellite Observers Home Page: -- Satellite Tracker * Early Typewriter Collector Freehold, New Jersey