No luck this morning. Within the hour after setting up the camera clouds came in with even rain. Just a few sats imaged. 37162 10 046A 4172 G 20141208031649777 17 25 1216473+254392 37 S 37162 10 046A 4172 G 20141208031659779 17 25 1211356+274261 37 S 38773 12 048P 4172 G 20141208034059755 17 25 1254390+055841 37 S 38758 12 048A 4172 G 20141208034109761 17 25 1257472+061532 37 S 38773 12 048P 4172 G 20141208034109761 17 25 1300822+070436 37 S 38758 12 048A 4172 G 20141208034119766 17 25 1303815+072109 37 S 38773 12 048P 4172 G 20141208034119766 17 25 1307269+080913 37 S 38758 12 048A 4172 G 20141208034129766 17 25 1310444+082504 37 S 38773 12 048P 4172 G 20141208034129766 17 25 1313958+091388 37 S 20691 90 050C 4172 G 20141208035119770 17 25 1802509+530982 37 S 20691 90 050C 4172 G 20141208035129777 17 25 1754614+514004 37 S 20691 90 050C 4172 G 20141208035139776 17 25 1747552+501211 37 S 20691 90 050C 4172 G 20141208035149783 17 25 1741287+484542 37 S *************************************************************************************** Setup: WATEC 120N, 50 mm F1:1.8, NTP, Celestron Nexstar Observations made and reduced with Sattools Cospar 4172 ALMERE 52.3713 N 5.2580 E –3 ASL Best regards Leo Barhorst _______________________________________________ Seesat-l mailing list on Mon Dec 08 2014 - 04:34:43 UTC
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