Re: Atlas-V NROL-35 inclination?

From: Marco Langbroek via Seesat-l <>
Date: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 13:27:33 +0100
William Thompson schreef op 10-12-2014 11:12:
> The cartoon of the woman--the lower part of her skirt is gray,
> beneath that line, and flares out to form ridges and valleys.
> Plus, her trident has that magical flame and her eyes glow.
> To me, this image suggests two things:
> 1: This is a radarsat that can detect submarines.
> 2: The people at the NRO read too many comic books.
> If the idea is to detect submerged submarines, especially
> SSBNs, then the satellite would probably be destined for
> a polar orbit.  (Tracking missile subs might explain the
> earth-sky-fire symbols that Marco Langbroek identified.

Earth-sky-fire simply refers to the rocket I think. From earth to sky using fire.

Flames winding a trident has been used earlier in patches, e.g. the NROL-49 
launch patch (which also has a somewhat devilish theme). It might refer to a 
three-stage rocket.

There is a recurrent theme of comic-hero-styled women in launch patches lately 
(and female names for rockets). So I don't think it refers to the mission, but 
rather to the rocket.

- Marco

Dr Marco Langbroek  -  SatTrackCam Leiden, the Netherlands.

Cospar 4353 (Leiden):   52.15412 N, 4.49081 E (WGS84), +0 m ASL
Cospar 4354 (De Wilck): 52.11685 N, 4.56016 E (WGS84), -2 m ASL
Cospar 4355 (Cronesteyn): 52.13878 N, 4.49937 E (WGS84), -2 m ASL
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