RE: NROL-35 pre-launch elements

From: Jon . via Seesat-l <>
Date: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 19:08:55 +0100
Hello all;

In the previous message (
Ted posted his orbit estimations.

Some days ago I've made my own estimation as a test, with the help of Bob
Christy from

Here my estimations, based on the orbits that Ted computed for NROL-28
(later named USA-200) in 2008:

This first elset is valid from about 14 minutes after launch, when the
Centaur reaches positive perigee values and enters orbit:

NROL-35 SECO1                                           192 X 2215 km
1 70000U 14500A   14346.14723380 0.00000000  00000-0  00000+0 0    07
2 70000  62.5000 207.6904 1333700 180.0001   2.1478 13.14740000    09

After that the Molniya orbit insertion should be made, with the separation
of the payload:

NROL-35 SECO2                                         1117 X 37641 km
1 70001U 14501A   14346.40070602 0.00000000  00000-0  00000+0 0    00
2 70001  62.4000 207.6544 7090000 266.5070 180.3826  2.10000000    03

Shortly after that a CCAM (Collision and Contamination Avoidance Maneuver)
should be made to fit with the reentry NOTAM at 05:02:31 UTC (little bit
less than 2 hours after liftoff). (Thanks to Ted Molczan who advised me
that my original de-orbit elset was not correct):

CENTAUR DE-ORBIT 2                                    -147 X 33546 km
1 70003U 14503A   14346.20973380 0.00000000  00000-0  00000+0 0    05
2 70003  62.3991 207.6803 7300128 258.1237  41.7968  2.47618863    07

*This elset may be rejected by some softwares as it has negative perigee.
It should re-enter near the center of the NOTAM, at -48.74, 139.65.

As ocurred with USA 200, the payload may up its perigee some days after

Hoewer Ted is much more experienced than I so his elsets should be more
accurate than mine's.
A difference between my elsets and his elsets can be watched. The
differences are another inclination and a different RA of ascending node.

Be good!


Jon Mikel, COSPAR 6242, 42.9453, -2.82839, 623m, Bitoriano, Basque Country.
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