LB Obs 2014 Dec 11

From: Leo Barhorst via Seesat-l <>
Date: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 22:21:40 +0100
Like Cees I also had stormy weather with several long clear
periods with some thin clouds.
After 17:40 UT thicker clouds and a heavy rainshower for which I had to
cover the mount and camera with a big garbage bag.
There after only a short clear period.

37391 11 014B   4172 G 20141211163804827 17 25 1556841+502548 37 S
37386 11 014A   4172 G 20141211163809855 17 25 1555323+503165 37 S
37391 11 014B   4172 G 20141211163809855 17 25 1601606+505311 37 S
37386 11 014A   4172 G 20141211163819852 17 25 1604760+512685 37 S
37391 11 014B   4172 G 20141211163819852 17 25 1611726+514675 37 S
37386 11 014A   4172 G 20141211163829847 17 25 1615203+522127 37 S
37391 11 014B   4172 G 20141211163824867 17 25 1617098+521372 37 S
28480 04 046B   4172 G 20141211164939830 17 25 1636231+313436 37 S
28480 04 046B   4172 G 20141211164949828 17 25 1644851+292590 37 S
21798 91 082A   4172 G 20141211164959834 17 25 1646118+305771 37 S
21798 91 082A   4172 G 20141211165009833 17 25 1638839+315079 37 S
31701 07 027A   4172 G 20141211165959846 17 25 1602417+360195 37 S
31701 07 027A   4172 G 20141211170009844 17 25 1559991+373670 37 S
31708 07 027C   4172 G 20141211170009844 17 25 1602423+363563 37 S
31701 07 027A   4172 G 20141211170019839 17 25 1557365+391422 37 S
31708 07 027C   4172 G 20141211170019839 17 25 1559889+381202 37 S
31701 07 027A   4172 G 20141211170029848 17 25 1554369+405478 37 S
31708 07 027C   4172 G 20141211170029848 17 25 1557153+394993 37 S
31701 07 027A   4172 G 20141211170039843 17 25 1551129+423728 37 S
31708 07 027C   4172 G 20141211170039843 17 25 1554063+413138 37 S
31708 07 027C   4172 G 20141211170044870 17 25 1552488+422311 37 S
38109 12 014A   4172 G 20141211171004829 17 25 1734502+325246 37 S
38109 12 014A   4172 G 20141211171009855 17 25 1730535+324139 37 S
38109 12 014A   4172 G 20141211171019852 17 25 1722760+321741 37 S
38109 12 014A   4172 G 20141211171029850 17 25 1715416+315317 37 S
29522 06 050A   4172 G 20141211172559835 17 25 1558106+583006 37 S
29522 06 050A   4172 G 20141211172609838 17 25 1540288+580495 37 S
09444 76 098B   4172 G 20141211173009841 17 25 1537103+572082 37 S
09444 76 098B   4172 G 20141211173019841 17 25 1552611+582184 37 S
09444 76 098B   4172 G 20141211173024855 17 25 1601139+585047 37 S
26905 01 040A   4172 G 20141211173044821 17 25 1549491+562442 37 S
26905 01 040A   4172 G 20141211173049837 17 25 1551905+571071 37 S
26905 01 040A   4172 G 20141211173059837 17 25 1557032+584283 37 S
26905 01 040A   4172 G 20141211173104864 17 25 1559964+592969 37 S
31708 07 027C   4172 G 20141211185410275 17 25 1508185+651974 37 S
31701 07 027A   4172 G 20141211185420276 17 25 1443422+675434 37 S
31708 07 027C   4172 G 20141211185420276 17 25 1453694+665451 37 S
31708 07 027C   4172 G 20141211185425296 17 25 1445678+674025 37 S

Setup: WATEC 120N, 50 mm F1:1.8, NTP, Celestron Nexstar
Observations made and reduced with Sattools
Cospar 4172 ALMERE 52.3713 N 5.2580 E –3 ASL
Best regards     Leo Barhorst

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Received on Thu Dec 11 2014 - 15:22:18 UTC

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