Optical 16 Dec 2014

From: Greg Roberts via Seesat-l <seesat-l_at_satobs.org>
Date: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 15:44:37 +0200
Observations 16 DEC 2014

Cosatrak 1 (Computerised satellite Tracking System).

FLI ML8300M CCD camera with mechanical shutter + Trimble GPS

Used with 135mm focal length f/2.8 TAMRON lens.
Field of view 7.6 x 5.7 degrees.
Images processed and measured manually.

Site 0433 : Longitude 18.51294 deg East, Latitude -33.94058 deg,
Elevation 10 metres-situated in Pinelands (Cape Town),South Africa

11389 79 050A   0433 F 20141216185457495 16 15 0557490-012047 28
11389 79 050A   0433 F 20141216185521211 16 15 0552210+023704 28
11389 79 050A   0433 F 20141216185548169 16 15 0539300+082118 28
11389 79 050A   0433 F 20141216185602268 16 15 0533111+111209 38
11389 79 050A   0433 F 20141216185605268 16 15 0532060+114120 28
11389 79 050A   0433 F 20141216203150537 16 15 2012370-655621 28
11389 79 050A   0433 F 20141216203359334 16 15 2252350-370552 28
11389 79 050A   0433 F 20141216203600080 16 15 2341530-011727 28
23097 94 026A   0433 F 20141216202320066 16 15 0148493+243508 58
23097 94 026A   0433 F 20141216202445416 16 15 0150499+233316 29
23097 94 026A   0433 F 20141216211112047 16 15 1123545-612559 38
23097 94 026A   0433 F 20141216211118104 16 15 1126356-610653 38
23097 94 026A   0433 F 20141216211144810 16 15 1139013-595301 28
36104 09 066A   0433 F 20141216204220169 16 15 1035405-382603 28
36104 09 066A   0433 F 20141216204224169 16 15 1032449-380227 28
36105 09 066B   0433 F 20141216190913605 16 15 0836583-391354 28
36105 09 066B   0433 F 20141216191006207 16 15 0745364-295033 28
36105 09 066B   0433 F 20141216191034524 16 15 0718360-225602 28

00029 60 002B   0433 F 20141216190627724 16 15 0322230-365648 28 +063 05
02825 67 053B   0433 F 20141216200133359 16 15 0956420-452244 28 +058 05
21689 91 061B   0433 F 20141216190615604 16 15 0333430-364504 28 +040 05
32958 08 026A   0433 F 20141216194816850 16 15 1009540-572448 28
32958 08 026A   0433 F 20141216194953665 16 15 0814380-515312 28
32958 08 026A   0433 F 20141216195027442 16 15 0732007-464209 38
39762 14 028B   0433 F 20141216202320066 16 15 0139446+243422 58

(1) Usual windy conditions for this time of the year

(2) Decided to look for some of the summer objects not observable
     northern hemisphere. Thought I had captured more than I actually
     did - lots of "false" satellites mistaken as the target - far too
     much junk up there!!! In one case had seven satellites pass through
     field of view of which 5 were the possible candidate in 5 minutes.
     Had to check each one and it was a long and painful task - at the
     moment I cannot sit for long before cramp and other problems with one
     leg whose foot I had injured some weeks back so had to measure in
     short spells. Tried APEX to do it automatically but it refused to
     co-operate on account of large field of view and large number of

(3) In general I have NOT reported all the strays seen and identified-
     far too many under the circumstances.


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