Looks like waking up early, might have been a good thing. After 12 straight nights of cloud filled sky, it was predicted to be clear tonight. So after seeing it was clear, I set up my stuff, and scanned the sky, playing spot the moving stars. Everything was going fine, until I noticed a fast moving sat looking object, which looked to go into shadow. I will have to check that one again, to be on the safe side, and see it was a unid. But then later, I came across a slow moving unid. Nothing was predicted to be there at the time, It nicely passed by a deep sky object. http://www.astrobrock.com/unid/2014/Dec19.mpg For the moment, I'll blame that uncataloged APT from a recent launch, ie Yamal 401. Kevin _______________________________________________ Seesat-l mailing list http://mailman.satobs.org/mailman/listinfo/seesat-lReceived on Fri Dec 19 2014 - 18:37:33 UTC
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