Heavens-Above and Santa's space station?

From: Frank Reed via Seesat-l <seesat-l_at_satobs.org>
Date: 24 Dec 2014 12:48:02 -0800
I noticed earlier today that I could not get through to heavens-above.com. Still no luck right now... Then a few minutes ago I spotted a "trending" link on Facebook stating that the International Space Station would be visible over the UK and North America on Christmas (no surprise there: it's a day ending in "y" so there's a good chance the station can be seen at some hour during the day). It seems that this has been morphed into a story about "Santa's sleigh" with the idea that an ISS pass would be a good substitute for Santa and a bunch of reindeer. I haven't seen any genuine evidence of this, but I would speculate that heavens-above.com is experiencing a huge volume spike from links embedded in copies of this viral story. Are satellite-trackers being foiled by santa-trackers?? 

Frank Reed
ReedNavigation.com / HistoricalAtlas.com
Conanicut Island USA
Seesat-l mailing list
Received on Wed Dec 24 2014 - 22:16:42 UTC

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