Re: Reentry of 14052B / 40142

From: Carlos Bella via Seesat-l <>
Date: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 01:00:21 -0200
Yes Ted !  I saw the news just now.

A friend, Robson Hahn, aerospace engineer of the Department of Aerospace
Science and Technology of Aeronautics, says that the new piece "probably is
some interstage feed duct component or turbine exhaust structure".

Robson is investigating the area of possible falls using the coordinates
that you suggest, today he visited the site of the COPV fall (which is
isolated by local police), and he is maintaining contact with SpaceX.

About the COPV the tank fell only fifteen meters of a house and the heat
melted and sealed it. Seems that there is still pressure inside it.

I believe that more debris will be found, all towns of the region are very
small and the news sometimes linger to get out of the place.


2014-12-30 21:36 GMT-02:00 Ted Molczan via Seesat-l <>:

> Another report on the Andradina find:
> ga-moradores-em-andradina.html
> It is described as annular, approximately 20 cm diameter, 8 cm tall and
> weighs about three kg.
> One of the photos shows damage to a roof, suspected to have been caused by
> the impact of the object.
> Another article includes information that may help narrow the location of
> the find:
> " The Military Police was called by home around 11:30 yesterday. He said
> the object would have fallen on the property,
> located on the fringes of Euclides de Oliveira Figueiredo highway
> (SP-563), also known as the integration highway in the
> early hours of Sunday."
> Ted Molczan
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