I have newly correlated 67 objects classified as UI (unidentified) in Classification of Geosynchronous Objects (COGO), Issue 11, and identified them as a specific piece from their launch. Corrections of 5 previous independent identifications are proposed. This increases the total number of identified objects to 140, out of 152 originally reported as unidentified. My report is available here: http://satobs.org/seesat_ref/IDCOGO11/Identification_of_UI_Objects_in_COGO_11.pdf The proposed changes to the IDs we use are summarized here: http://satobs.org/seesat_ref/IDCOGO11/GEO_ID_Change_Report.pdf Drafts of my findings have been circulated with key observers and analysts over the past couple of weeks. I believe that the emerging consensus is that we will wait for COGO 12 to appear (typically around February), and see what new identifications the experts propose, reconcile any differences with this study, and then switch to the adopted IDs at a time mutually convenient. Corrections and suggestions to identify remaining UI objects are welcome. Ted Molczan ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Frequently Asked Questions, SeeSat-L archive: http://www.satobs.org/seesat/seesatindex.html
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