Decay watch: 2002 January 2

From: Alan Pickup (
Date: Wed Jan 02 2002 - 04:45:02 EST

  • Next message: Harro Zimmer: "The Delta 2 RB Decay"

    Happy New Year :)
    I postponed my final Decay Watch update for #26999, the Jason 1 Delta 2 
    rocket, until OIG (eventually) posted SpaceCom's final decay notice. 
    Here is a summary from my Decay Watch page. Thanks to Daniel Deak for 
    the object description for this and the other decayers that appear on my 
    Object: #26999 = 01- 55 C = Jason 1 Delta 2 rocket
    Delta 2 rocket second stage used to orbit the Jason 1 and
    TIMED science satellites on December 7, 2001.
    The tanks from this stage usually survive reentry.
    (Diameter : 1.7 m   Length : 5.9 m   Mass : 810 kg)
    Notice prepared: 2002 Jan 2 09:20 UTC
    Final decay analyses:
    Source   Prediction made    Predicted decay at      Latitude Longitude
                    UTC                UTC                  deg      deg
    SpaceCom   Jan  1 18:44     Jan  1 18:10 +-25m       33.7 S   145.5 E
    SatEvo     Jan  2 09:20     Jan  1 17:54 +-20m       13.4 N   136.1 E
    Final elset:
    Jason 1 Delta 2 r                                156 x 114 km
    1 26999U 01055C   02001.71811777  .34447030  63891-6  21991-3 0   914
    2 26999  76.6210 329.0676 0032484  91.2716 269.9226 16.51546971  3946
    Note: I suspect that this decayed on the orbit given by the final
    posted elset. I place the decay southbound to the east of the
    Philippines on a track that had taken it over southern Japan
    at 17:49. SpaceCom puts the decay further south, over New South
    Wales, Australia.
    Alan Pickup / COSPAR 2707:  55.8968N   3.1989W   +208m   (WGS84 datum)
    Edinburgh  / SatEvo & elsets:
    Scotland  / Decay Watch:
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