From: Leo Barhorst (
Date: Wed Jan 02 2002 - 05:06:07 EST

  • Next message: James: "Globalstar 56"

    EGP (aka Ajasai) is indeed a nice sat to observe.
    Launched on 12 August 1986 it was observed on Sept 5 by Bram Dorreman.
    Since then more than 400 observations on this sat have been inclueded in
    It flashes very rapidly.
    I last observed it 16 december 2001. By counting mentally quickly 1 to 10
    with the
    flashes and pressing the stopwatch button on every 10 I managed to get 11
    measurements of 10 flashes each, so 110 flashes in total in 41.4 sec. This
    gives a period of 0.377 sec. See my homepage for details on this obs.
    Bram's first obs has 0.3 sec.
    Most obs are made by counting groups of flashes.
    They appear mostly in groups of 3 flashes and then a NO-flash: FFF-FFF-FFF
    For more details see the PPAS database.
    Greetings and clear, dark skies
    Leo Barhorst Medemblik
    52.76350 N  5.09114 E  2 m ASL
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