Hi all, Due to the interest it created, I will now include EGP's TLE along with the two Starshine and ISS in my messages titled Disco balls TLE. STARSHINE 2 1 26996U 01054B 02001.67264176 .00105604 00000-0 96566-3 0 244 2 26996 51.6400 169.3335 0019854 63.9296 296.4092 15.66744074 2527 STARSHINE 3 1 26929U 01043A 02002.83471460 .00046168 00000-0 12018-2 0 1219 2 26929 67.0495 190.7262 0004663 308.8400 51.2289 15.38633937 14527 EGP 1 16908U 86061A 02001.86027879 -.00000083 +00000-0 +10000-3 0 06505 2 16908 050.0139 252.1965 0011012 124.5747 235.6160 12.44440562368506 ISS 1 25544U 98067A 02002.83742102 .00056968 00000-0 64616-3 0 9159 2 25544 51.6380 164.0341 0002504 78.7912 78.3009 15.61802606178232 -- Daniel Deak representant, projet spatial Starshine L'Avenir, Quebec COSPAR site 1747 : 45.7275°N, 72.3526°W, 191 m., UTC-5:00 Site en francais sur les satellites: French-language satellite web site : http://www.obsat.com ----------------------------------------------------------------- Unsubscribe from SeeSat-L by sending a message with 'unsubscribe' in the SUBJECT to SeeSat-L-request@lists.satellite.eu.org http://www.satellite.eu.org/seesat/seesatindex.html
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