Cosmos 1206 tumbling?

From: Ed Cannon (
Date: Thu Jan 03 2002 - 19:45:14 EST

  • Next message: Jim Nix: "11056 decayer"

    Cosmos 1206 (80-069A, 11932) just made a fast pass (height about 267
    km) over here.  I saw two maxima of about +1, about 20 to 30 seconds
    apart, but otherwise it was more like +3.5 to +4.0 (invisible part of 
    the time, viewing without magnification from outside the building 
    where I work).  I don't know if those were two flares or tumbling
    maxima.  In the quicksat.mag file for this one it says "sometimes 
    very bright", and there is a PPAS report of it being "variable".  
    Alan Pickup has predicted that it will decay about January 16.
    Ed Cannon - - Austin, Texas, USA
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