Re: Request info on NOSS pass in 1997

From: Stephen Fels (
Date: Fri Jan 04 2002 - 14:03:54 EST

  • Next message: Mike Boschat: "STSPLUS question"

    By 'book-ending' the date in question, with TLEs roughly 100 days either
    side (the closest I could find)... NOSS 2-1 made a pass right around 19:00
    The pass would have been something like this edited Satellite Hunting
    post-diction (give or take about 5 minutes, or so, due to the differing
    U.T.C.    Elev.    Azimuth    Mag    Right Ascension    Declination
    18:56:16   0°      311° [NW] 8.9    13h 26m 34s        23° 30' 48.00"
    19:06:09  64°     037° [NE]   6.5    00h 52m 16s       67° 52' 16.17"
    19:07:45  52°     086° [E]      6.7    01h 29m 56s       40° 46' 48.42"
    In astro terms, the Noss 2-1 trio would have passed near Alkaid in the tail
    of Ursa Major, on its way toward Kochab, along the rim of the bowl of the
    Little Dipper (Ursa Minor) and on through Cassiopeia, before entering shadow
    in Andromeda.
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    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Frits Westra" <>
    To: <>
    Sent: Friday, January 04, 2002 07:52 AM
    Subject: Request info on NOSS pass in 1997
    > Hello all,
    > I'd be pleased if someone could check whether there has been a
    > pass of a NOSS trio visible from Amsterdam, Holland (N52.20 E04.50),
    > on Oct 28, 1997, at around 19:00 UTC ?
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