Re: Sat ID request CORRECTION

From: Bill Mitchell (
Date: Sat Jan 05 2002 - 14:32:25 EST

  • Next message: Michael McCants: "OIG Catalog Action Report for the week ending January 5"

    > Considering that you were a beginner at the time, and that the pass was
    > fairly low, could you have seen the flashing lights of a distant
    > aircraft?
    Ted, thanks for checking and absolutely not an aircraft!
    Unless it was a tumbling aircraft!  No I've never seen anything like this
    (brightness) except of course Iridium flares.  I've since seen several
    tumbling sats and this was MUCH brighter than any I've seen.
    And thanks for clearing up the DST.  I had EDT in my notes on this but
    subtracted wrong when I wrote the request, DOH!
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