Re: Orion 3

From: Ed Cannon (
Date: Tue Jan 08 2002 - 16:09:52 EST

  • Next message: Ed Cannon: "Correction: Re: Orion 3"

    Two nights in a row now Orion 3 (99-024A, 25727) has done some
    very interesting multiple-flash maxima, plus asymmetrical 
    secondary flashes.  The overall flash period seems to be about
    15.5 seconds.  The flashes have begun before culmination but 
    each night appear to continue farther to the east.  Tonight's 
    pass for Texas (and points east) is at about 6:30-32 CST.  These 
    are near-perigee passes, so it's moving right along.  West of 
    Texas it's probably too early in twilight, although the flashes 
    are quite bright.  It comes several minutes earlier each night.
    Ed Cannon - - Austin, Texas, USA
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