Unidentified satellite near decay

From: Ted Molczan (molczan@rogers.com)
Date: Fri Jan 11 2002 - 11:31:23 EST

  • Next message: Rod Sladen: "Re: Two Iridium flares right next to each other"

    Yesterday evening, Russell Eberst observed an unidentified satellite, in
    a low orbit, apparently near decay. 
    Here is the relevant extract from his observation report:
    2420 0201 0.211 1204
    9900000 172901.99 072207+483853 3.8 3.8 0 S
    9900000 172916.83 063918+360306 7.1 7.1 0 E
    I have fit the following circular orbit to Russell's points:
    Unk 020110       0.0  0.0  0.0  7.1 v
    1 72010U          02010.72849525  .00000000  00000-0  00000-0 0    08
    2 72010  62.7800 246.9010 0000001   0.0000 108.4890 16.26625540    94
    Note that Russell's second point was observed in the penumbra. Using the
    above elements, my ephemeris generator puts the second point just inside
    the penumbra. This suggests to me that the orbit is indeed roughly
    The std mag of 7.1 suggests a small object, probably debris. Due to its
    low altitude, it is readily visible to the unaided eye under favourable
    I suggest using this elset for search purposes; the decay term is my
    wild guess:
    1 72010U          02010.72849525  .03000000  00000-0  89518-3 0    05
    2 72010  62.7800 246.9010 0001000   0.0000 108.4890 16.26625540    94
    If the object is recovered, I believe its hobbyist designation would
    become 90011 / 02510A.
    Ted Molczan
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