Telstar 401 and Intelsat 502

From: Ed Cannon (
Date: Sun Jan 13 2002 - 18:28:11 EST

  • Next message: Leo Barhorst: "New at my homepage"

    Last night (early January 13 UTC) Mike McCants and I and at 
    least one other person saw Telstar 401 (93-077A, 22927) 
    beginning at about 3:45:10.  The first four flashes were 
    without magnification.  I last saw it with my binoculars at 
    about 4:03:08, about 49 minutes earlier than three nights 
    ago.  This would make it 16-17 minutes earlier each night.  
    At least three or four of the flashes were visible without 
    Some Intelsat 502 (80-098A, 12089) flashes, at least +4 at
    brightest, were observed from about 4:00:50 to 4:18:32, 
    with a period of about 264-265 seconds.  In Mike McCants' 
    telescope, a half-period tumble, and other ones, were 
    visible, making it more interesting and not such a long 
    There were from a dark-sky site, at Canyon of the Eagles,
    Texas, 30.890N, 98.427W, 333m.
    Ed Cannon - - Austin, Texas, USA
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