Greetings from a new member

From: Vossinakis Andreas (
Date: Tue Jan 15 2002 - 07:40:09 EST

  • Next message: Harro Zimmer: "Decay Forecast MOLNIYA RB 2"

     I am from Thessaloniki Greece and I do satellite watching for about a year
    now. I use SatSpy for redictions or heavens above occasionally. After I've
    visited some member pages I'd like to know where I can find elsets for
    tethered satellites( I haven't seen any yet). Any suggestion would be
    helpful. I am also into astronomy and astrophotography (caught ISS in a
    photo), although my girlfriend doesn't like to wait in the cold and clear
    nights for a cosmos rocket to appear, but I think thats a common situation
    among you guys.
     Clear Skies to all
     Andreas Vossinakis
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