RE: Milstar 5 Titan 4/Centaur Launch

From: Matson, Robert (
Date: Tue Jan 15 2002 - 19:30:00 EST

  • Next message: Tony Beresford: "Observed molniya 1-83 92 11A"

    Hi Ed, Mike and List,
    Ed wrote:
    > Mike McCants wrote that there might be a "comet" about 7 hours
    > after launch, which is scheduled 0:30 January 16 UTC.  So there
    > might be a "comet" visible, weather permitting, over most of the
    > western hemisphere at about 7:30 UTC (a little over seven hours
    > from now, if the launch goes off on schedule).  ... if there's
    > a comet and your sky is clear, given that there's no moonlight,
    > it may be fairly easy to see.
    Naturally, we are completely socked-in in southern California
    after having had very clear nights every night for the last
    week...  --Rob
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