Milstar 5 on OIG

From: Vitek, Antonin (
Date: Wed Jan 16 2002 - 16:08:20 EST

  • Next message: Sebastian Stabroth: "Re: Milstar 5 Titan 4/Centaur Launch"

    Payload 2002-001A for the very first launch in this year was designated on
    OIG as USA-164, but I am unable to find out in my files entry for USA-163.
    The last American military satellite was USA-162 AKA 2001-046A, launched on
    2001-10-11 02:32 UT. Or am I missing something?
    This should be probably considered as another misleading attempt from OIG to
    create a wrong common name, huh?
    PS. Congrats to fellows in western USA for observing the fuel dump on GSO!
    Mgr. Antonin Vitek, CSc.
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