Debris 1998-067N & P

From: Vitek, Antonin (
Date: Fri Jan 18 2002 - 02:21:54 EST

  • Next message: Matson, Robert: "SkyMap 6.5"

    Recently catalogued ISS debris objects 1998-067N (27166) and 1998-067P
    (27167) are a pair of gloves from one Orlan-M spacesuit. Gloves were
    contaminated by the fuel from Zvezda ODU (unified engine system).
    The gloves were jettisoned at 02:54 UTC on Jan 15th by spacewalking
    astronauts according to the Posledniye kosmicheskie novosti (Recent
    Space News) No. 223 of Alexander Zheleznyakov.
    Mgr. Antonin Vitek, CSc.
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