Re: Apollo TLE

From: Mark Hartwell (
Date: Mon Jan 21 2002 - 17:39:19 EST

  • Next message: Robert G Fenske Jr: "Re: Apollo TLE"

    and while we're this far off topic ....
    IF there was a man made satellite in synchronous orbit around the moon 
    (lunosynch?) wouldn't it be at the earth-moon distance ?  (as the moon 
    keeps the same face towards the earth)
    Tristan Cools wrote:
    >At 10:24 22/01/02 +1300, you wrote:
    >>This is slightly OT, but I'm trying to find TLE's for the Apollo Lunar 
    >>Jeffrey Simpson
    >Do they exist ?  TLE=Two line *orbital* elements.  The Apollo Lunar flights
    >were not exactly Earth Orbital flights I think.  
    >Or were the Apollo flights launched into a very exentric orbit with the
    >Moon close to apogee of this orbital plane ?
    >Tristan Cools
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