Re: Which clock to use with HA

From: Ralph McConahy (
Date: Thu Jan 24 2002 - 00:25:32 EST

  • Next message: Tony Beresford: "Re: Which clock to use with HA"

    Tom Wagner wrote:
    > I happened across a clock that showed a time that was several seconds
    > different than the one I use to set my watch with. The one I use is at
    > The one that is different in the seconds component is
    The first one is within three seconds of WWV (at my computer).
    The second one (lasco...) will reflect whatever your computer clock is set
    to, biased by x hours to give UT. After noting the difference from the first
    one, I purposely set my computer five minutes fast and the clock jumped by
    five minutes. PC clocks being what they are, I'd go with the first one.
      Ralph McConahy
      34.8829N  117.0064W  670m
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