A flasher? Can you identify it?

From: Richard Crisp (rdcrisp@earthlink.net)
Date: Thu Jan 24 2002 - 09:30:59 EST

  • Next message: McConahy, Ralph: "RE: Help for Newcomer"

    I normally only lurk on this list. However last night I was doing some astro
    imaging and caught what I believe was a flasher transiting M1, The Crab
    Nebula. http://www.rdcrisp.darkhorizons.org/Tracks_page.htm (the image in
    question is the bottom one on the page).
    The Crab is located at 05H 34M 37S RA and at 22degrees 01m05s Declination.
    In ALTAZ coordinates at the time of the capture (roughly) the Local
    Coordinates in the SF Bay Area were: 208deg53min14sec Azimuth
    72deg23min28sec elevation.
    Can someone that knows about satellite tracking tell me which satellite this
    was assuming it to be a satellite?
    Thanks in advance,
    Richard Crisp
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