Re: Corrected: A flasher? Can you identify it?

From: Ed Cannon (
Date: Thu Jan 24 2002 - 23:55:23 EST

  • Next message: Richard Crisp: "Re: Corrected: A flasher? Can you identify it?"

    Richard Crisp wrote:
    > ... caught what I believe was a flasher transiting M1, The Crab
    > Nebula.
    Neat photo!  
    I see on Richard's Web page that Ed Light has already ID'ed it as
    Raduga 33 (23794, 96-010A).  Using Oakland, CA, I got the same one, 
    but mainly I wanted to add that Raduga 33 is definitely tumbling 
    and is known to flash very brightly on occasion, sometimes at quite
    a distance.  
    For future reference, I'll venture to suggest that in order to get
    really precise identifications, a fairly specific observing location
    should be provided -- at least a specific city (unless it's "Los 
    Angeles, Calif.", which is too big!), if not actual coordinates.  
    By the way Richard, what were the specifics of the photo of IC 1795?  
    Side-by-side tracks are suspicious -- see the multiple-thread, 
    multiple subject discussions in September and October 1999 of a 
    Sky & Telescope photograph with parallel tracks through M42, the 
    Orion Nebula, beginning with Jay Respler's post, "SAT TRACK PHOTO":

    The discussion continued into October, e.g., with Rob Matson's post,
    "Mystery tracks through M42":

    Ed Cannon - - Austin, Texas, USA
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