decay watch: 2002 January 25

From: Alan Pickup (
Date: Fri Jan 25 2002 - 09:33:41 EST

  • Next message: Markus Mehring: "Re: Corrected: A flasher? Can you identify it?"

    Here is a summary of the updated notices on my Decay Watch page. One new 
    addition at the end - #26872 = GOES 12 Atlas 2a rocket. See the page for 
    my predicted elsets.
    Object: #21987 = 92- 31 A = EUVE
    Decay predictions:
    Source   Prediction made    Predicted decay at      Latitude Longitude
                    UTC                UTC                  deg      deg
    SpaceCom   (none posted yet)
    SatEvo     Jan 25 14:20     Feb  1 05:36 +-2.5d
    Latest elset:
    EUVE             3.0  0.0  0.0  6.0 d   19       241 x 237 km
    1 21987U 92031A   02024.83560203  .00981645  56148-3  80866-3 0  7569
    2 21987  28.4254 196.1539 0002749  12.3888 347.6852 16.12889999537989
    Object: #22013 = 92- 38 B = Sampex Scout rocket
    Decay predictions:
    Source   Prediction made    Predicted decay at      Latitude Longitude
                    UTC                UTC                  deg      deg
    SpaceCom   Jan 25 07:27     Jan 28 06:58 +-2d        28.4 S     5.2 E
    SatEvo     Jan 25 14:00     Jan 28 03:44 +-20h
    Latest elset:
    Sampex r         3.0  0.0  0.0  6.0 d 0.89       249 x 234 km
    1 22013U 92038B   02025.25310884  .02185396  50364-2  22281-2 0   420
    2 22013  81.6106  55.1693 0011753 149.9425 332.4955 16.11995284524055
    Object: #24947 = 97- 51 D = Iridium 27 tum
    Decay predictions:
    Source   Prediction made    Predicted decay at      Latitude Longitude
                    UTC                UTC                  deg      deg
    SpaceCom   (none posted yet)
    SatEvo     Jan 25 14:25     Feb  1 19:57 +-2.5d
    Latest elset:
    Iridium 27 tum   4.0  1.8  0.0  6.5 d  7.6       273 x 273 km
    1 24947U 97051D   02025.33035459  .00927647  41664-3  18011-2 0  1746
    2 24947  86.5868  70.5532 0000204  35.6838 324.4449 16.00428971241870
    Object: #26625 = 00- 76 B = Anik F1 Ariane 44L rocket
    Decay predictions:
    Source   Prediction made    Predicted decay at      Latitude Longitude
                    UTC                UTC                  deg      deg
    SpaceCom   Jan 25 03:08     Jan 25 05:37 +-3h         3.5 N   168.3 W
    SatEvo     Jan 24 13:50     Jan 25 05:39 +-4h         1.7 N   151.4 W
    Latest (final?) elset:
    Anik F1 Ariane 44L r                             573 x 108 km
    1 26625U 00076B   02025.14586410  .99999999 -32425-4  21218-2 0  6235
    2 26625   6.2628 254.4046 0345676 135.5988 228.4073 15.76470076 14646
    Note: The latest, and possibly final elset, shows this running 73
    seconds early against my final prediction. I estimate that this
    re-entered over the central Pacific after perigee on the following
    orbit. A predicted elset for that rev is:
    Anik F1 Ariane 44L r                             356 x 98 km
    1 26625U 00076B   02025.20784409 4.02217002  25212+2  28994-2 0 96178
    2 26625   6.2555 253.5780 0195490 136.3001 225.2641 16.17245378 14650
    Object: #26872 = 01- 31 B = GOES 12 Atlas 2a rocket
    Decay predictions:
    Source   Prediction made    Predicted decay at      Latitude Longitude
                    UTC                UTC                  deg      deg
    SpaceCom   Jan 25 08:53     Jan 29 07:37 +-2d        14.5 N    99.5 W
    SatEvo     Jan 25 14:10     Jan 29 12:12 +-1.5d
    Latest elset:
    GOES 12 Atlas 2a r                               5071 x 114 km
    1 26872U 01031B   02025.29854362  .29165042 -18421-4  25908-2 0  1031
    2 26872  20.2175 116.3154 2762734   4.7441  75.1906 10.21821099  4797
    Note: Eclipse entry occurs as this heads northwards near 15 deg S
    in the evening sky, It leaves eclipse as it approaches northern
    apex at 20 deg N in the morning.
    Alan Pickup / COSPAR 2707:  55.8968N   3.1989W   +208m   (WGS84 datum)
    Edinburgh  / SatEvo & elsets:
    Scotland  / Decay Watch:
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