Decay watch: 2002 January 26

From: Alan Pickup (
Date: Sat Jan 26 2002 - 08:36:20 EST

  • Next message: Michael McCants: "OIG Catalog Action Report for the week ending January 26"

    SpaceCom has posted the first decay notice for #26889 = SimpleSat. Here 
    is a summary of the updated notices on my Decay Watch page. Look there 
    for predicted elsets.
    Object: #22013 = 92- 38 B = Sampex Scout rocket
    Decay predictions:
    Source   Prediction made    Predicted decay at      Latitude Longitude
                    UTC                UTC                  deg      deg
    SpaceCom   Jan 26 03:44     Jan 28 03:35 +-1d        71.1 N    26.1 E
    SatEvo     Jan 26 13:25     Jan 28 02:18 +-12h
    Latest elset:
    Sampex r         3.0  0.0  0.0  6.0 d 0.89       230 x 221 km
    1 22013U 92038B   02026.22362589  .03885573 -10198-5  24223-2 0   492
    2 22013  81.6082  53.9235 0007406 149.2040 210.9685 16.17839296524216
    Object: #26625 = 00- 76 B = Anik F1 Ariane 44L rocket
    Final decay analyses:
    Source   Prediction made    Predicted decay at      Latitude Longitude
                    UTC                UTC                  deg      deg
    SpaceCom   Jan 25 19:51     Jan 25 06:56 +-7m         6.0 N   142.0 E
    SatEvo     Jan 25 13:50     Jan 25 05:39 +-20m        1.7 N   151.4 W
    Final elset:
    Anik F1 Ariane 44L r                             573 x 108 km
    1 26625U 00076B   02025.14586410  .99999999 -32425-4  21218-2 0  6235
    2 26625   6.2628 254.4046 0345676 135.5988 228.4073 15.76470076 14646
    Note: SpaceCom's final notice appeared eventually, suggesting that
    this survived for a further orbit although this, and the small time
    uncertainty, is not supported by any further elset. My own estimate
    is unchanged, though I have corrected the prediction date and decay
    time accuracy that I posted yesterday - apologies for the errors. I show 
    this re-entering over the central Pacific on the orbit given by this 
    predicted elset:
    Anik F1 Ariane 44L r                             356 x 98 km
    1 26625U 00076B   02025.20784409 4.02217002  25212+2  28994-2 0 96178
    2 26625   6.2555 253.5780 0195490 136.3001 225.2641 16.17245378 14650
    Object: #26872 = 01- 31 B = GOES 12 Atlas 2a rocket
    Decay predictions:
    Source   Prediction made    Predicted decay at      Latitude Longitude
                    UTC                UTC                  deg      deg
    SpaceCom   Jan 25 23:41     Jan 28 12:00 +-2d        13.9 N   162.6 W
    SatEvo     Jan 25 14:10     Jan 29 12:12 +-1.5d
    Latest elsets:
    GOES 12 Atlas 2a r                               4834 x 113 km
    1 26872U 01031B   02025.56870701  .41194541 -17830-4  33637-2 0  1059
    2 26872  20.2235 115.3612 2666428   6.5638 358.2575 10.42503218  4827
    GOES 12 Atlas 2a r                               4200 x 118 km
    1 26872U 01031B   02026.33064708 -.50575373 -54779-5 -46614-2 0  1081
    2 26872  20.1876 112.4931 2390895  11.5662  53.6851 11.00638238  4890
    Note: A spurious "-" seems to have crept into the drag term in the 
    latest elset. I have not updated my own SatEvo prediction.
    Object: #26889 = 01- 35 B = SimpleSat 1
    Decay predictions:
    Source   Prediction made    Predicted decay at      Latitude Longitude
                    UTC                UTC                  deg      deg
    SpaceCom   Jan 26 09:18     Jan 30 03:53 +-2d        51.5 N    83.1 W
    SatEvo     Jan 26 13:15     Jan 30 14:18 +-1.5d
    Latest elset:
    SimpleSat 1      1.0  0.0  0.0  7.5 d 0.23       229 x 223 km
    1 26889U 01035B   02025.84824508  .01456576  17804-2  89835-3 0  2579
    2 26889  51.6199  31.2704 0004397  11.7215 348.4189 16.17759795 26454
    Note: This enters eclipse while northbound near 20 deg N in the evening
    and leaves eclipse southbound near 7 deg N in the morning.
    Alan Pickup / COSPAR 2707:  55.8968N   3.1989W   +208m   (WGS84 datum)
    Edinburgh  / SatEvo & elsets:
    Scotland  / Decay Watch:
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