Re: Lux

From: Bjorn Gimle (
Date: Mon Jan 28 2002 - 05:41:01 EST

  • Next message: Harro Zimmer: "Scout RB decayed"

    This does not compare to the sensitivity of the video (you cannot shoot a
    landscape illuminated by a single star !)
    If you shoot the stars directly, you get "all the light onto one pixel", so
    generally a high (optical) zoom gives you more light in the same camera.
    I have shot eight or more Pleiades stars on 10* zoom with a 0.5 lux Sony.
    ----- Original Message -----
    > éclairement E exprimé en lux au moyen de la relation suivante: log E(lux)
    > = -0,4×(m + 14,2).
    > I believe the Sun is -26.7; this gives exactly 100000 lux.
    > > Anybody know of a way of mathematically comparing visible magnitude with
    > the
    > > lux, a unit that is used to describe the minimum amount light that video
    > > cameras are sensitive to?
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