Re: EUVE reentry probabilities

From: Bjorn Gimle (
Date: Wed Jan 30 2002 - 01:48:43 EST

  • Next message: Julian Grammer: "Re: EUVE reentry probabilities"

    Apparantly, this is for "ground zero".
    More interesting for observers is the chance of seeing it (within, say 500
    km range) during some part of the fiery descent ( 2000 km ?? )
    ----- Original Message -----
    > I've done a quick and dirty analysis of the upcoming EUVE decay to assess
    > probabilities
    > for the reentry impacting particular locations.  For the sake of this
    > analysis, I've assumed
    > a reentry date/time of 1/31 06:00 UTC +/- 12 hours.  Here are the
    > probabilities I came
    > up with for a number of locations (some general, some specific):
    > Africa:  11.5%
    > Australia:  3.8%
    > Hawaii:  0.1%
    > Belize:  0.1%
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