Re: cola, allcola problem

From: Vitek, Antonin (
Date: Thu Jan 31 2002 - 12:06:56 EST

  • Next message: John locker: "Re: EUVE reentry"

    Tristan Cools wrote:
    > Hello,
    > I am trying to predict some satellite encouters with the Cola and Allcola
    > programs but I am always getting the following message:
    > 'Convergence problem with #xxxxxx: orbits may coincide.
    > Anyone got the sollution ?
    This message might be created (I guess), when the program is comparing
    two identical orbits, e.g. TLE for different parts of ISS (eg. Soyuz +
    Zvezda etc.). Check the set of TLEs, whether this is the case.
    Mgr. Antonin Vitek, CSc.
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